Most People Never…


Most people never choose to hire a coach.

They think it's expensive. They think they can figure “it” out on their own.  

They obsessively partake of podcasts and “consume” as much self-help and personal development as possible.  They learn a lot but don’t achieve the changes in their lives they want.

They also often take advantage of different opportunities for free coaching and “masterclasses” in lots of different spaces and places with lots of different people.

They meet people and experience different styles of coaching but they don’t do the work on themselves.

The most effective, efficient, impactful, and sustainable approach to becoming who you want to be is to hire a good life coach. 

That's what I did.

Its how I got here.

Hiring a coach who is wise, trained, skilled, and a good human fit for you is cost-effective, time-efficient, and fun.

What I didn’t initially add into my cost-benefit calculation was the cost of NOT hiring a coach.

I would have missed out on so much if I hadn’t invested in coaching 7 years ago.

I would have wasted time and energy.

I would have continued to endure the huge costs of living with ongoing struggle, urgency, unnecessary stress, angst, and irritability.

My family, my clients, and all of you would have missed out too. 

Consider this a loving nudge from me to you to save yourself the heartache and the waste.

Realize simplicity, efficiency, efficacy, sustainability and ongoing change are worth it.


Professional athletes have coaches, and Oprah has a coach.

Most successful people who are not as famous also have coaches. Because coaching helps.

Living a human life is not as simple as it might look for anyone


Most Roads Leading to Success are Toll Roads


Figuring It Out is Not A Strategy