Choosing Hope

How do you want to show up for a world that makes no sense?

How do you want to show up for a world where bad things happen and so many people act in incomprehensible and harmful ways.

I am choosing hope.

Hope is loving and kind, and it inspires action.

"What would hope do?"

Hope would choose to believe that we can and will do better.

Hope would choose to believe that most people are inherently good.

Hope would choose to believe that most people care about our children more than gun rights.
Hope would choose to believe that we can and will find some common ground and a path forward that is more loving.

Hope would focus on what you can control. What you do, what you say, what you think, and what you feel.

Hope wouldn't stop at hope.

Hope would choose to take meaningful and aligned action.

Hope would tell your children that you love them.

Hope would speak up in your communities and model loving-kindness for others.

Hope might donate money or time to organizations working to make a difference.

Hope would do what we each can to maintain and optimize the mental health of all the humans we share this world with.

Hope would also allow the intense sad, bad, mad, and angry feelings.

Hope would allow each of us to not be ok when we don't feel ok.

Hope would get support for ourselves when we need it so we can show up as the best version of ourselves for this crazy imperfect world.

Hope would get support for all our children when they need it so they can contribute to making the world a better place too.


If We All Do One Thing


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