If We All Do One Thing

If each of us did one small thing towards change,

massive change would occur.


If each of us as individuals shifted 1% in the direction that we wanted our life to be going each day, our lives would be vastly different.

When you focus on one thing or 1%, change feels manageable.

One thing creates momentum.

Gets you unstuck.

And opens the doors to creativity.

In coaching, we figure out your next step.

We focus on something that is in your control.

When things feel overwhelming, insurmountable, and hopeless,

focusing on what is in your control is powerful.

The answer I most often hear when I ask - “what’s in your control” is nothing is in my control.

That’s not true.

Your next step is in your control.

It might be what you do, what you say, or what you chose to think.

“When the dark clouds come, keep going.”

“When the big things feel out of control…. focus on what you love right under your nose.”

If we all do one thing, we get unstuck and momentum begins.


What’s Actually Expensive


Choosing Hope