Ruminating is an Expensive Habit


We are trained in medicine to think that overthinking is valuable.

Just in case we might not have thought of something, we should think and worry more.

To make sure we didn’t miss anything inadvertently.

Over-responsibility leads to ruminating.

A lack of trust in ourselves leads to ruminating.

We are taught that worrying and hyper-vigilance are a sign of “caring.”

Even when they change nothing.

We are taught that if we don’t worry, we don’t care.

Which is of course not true.

Rumination leads to stress, lack of sleep, and chronic cortisol release.

Making thoughtful decisions with the skills and knowledge we have at that time is the best we can offer.

It is enough.

We can and should have our own backs after that.

We can learn to trust ourselves and our processes. And practice not ruminating.

It is healthier and leads to better and more sustainable care.


Be the Emotional Leader


Just Because Everyone Else is Doing it Doesn’t Mean It is Right